Surgery July 9th

We leave on July 6th for madi's July 9th surgery at Children's hospital of Pittsburgh. This is a double expansion... hoping for some more height and less pain this time 'round.
We are excited and a bit anxious (madi more anxious than excited) to see the NEW hospital!
We will go to Kennywood theme park on Tuesday before pre-op Wednesday and surgery Thursday. This will make operation #35... each one seems to take a bit more of a psycholigical and emotional toll on My Girl... but it is what it is!
She has had a great start to summer-- an undefeated softball season, successful dance recital, chorus award at the spring choral fest, FFCLA leadership award at middle school awards, and an 89.9% overall average for sixth grade... She has been swimming, having sleep overs and will start piano this week!
As usual, she is just sooooooo inactive:) ha... don't know how I keep up with her some days. But, as usual, we ask for your positive thoughts and prayers in our time of travel and trial!