Kierstyn's Essay

One of Senior Company dancers recently wrote her English essay on Madison. Thank you, Kierstyn, for capturing MyMadi so beautifully!I was ordering at the counter of the restaurant at the Fairgrounds YMCA, when this bubbly spirited, brown-eyed doll, came bouncing in, and surprised me with a big hug.
"Did you know there are green polar bears?" chimed this lovely little girl. Indeed it is true. Polar bears have been known to turn green due to circumstances beyond their control. This aspect makes these polar bears unique to the world. Just like the Polar bears, Madison Draper, the one whom bequeathed me with this tid bit of knowledge, is very unique.
Madison Draper, is a blonde haired, brown eyed, 9 year old girl that attends the 4th grade just like any other children her age. She hangs out with her friends, has sleepovers, birthday parties, and always has a good time. In her spare time, she takes piano lessons. She has her own style, which is definitely unique. She always wears bright colored clothes and her hair up in pigtails or down with a headband that always matches her outfit, and her glasses give her this edge of a little genius. Her upbeat attitude in life goes a long way in making others smile. However, not many understand what hardships she has gone through at her young age.
Madison was born wtih a rare condition called Severe Congenital Scoliosis. This is a severe curvature of her spine, which shapes it somewhat like an S. It also comes with a number of things that could go wrong. For Madison, she has to have 2 major surgeries a year, to slowly correct her condition. She is a member of the Titanium Rib Project, in which she has titanium rods inserted in her chest, and an artificial rib, in order to correct her torso. However, lately due to infections she has had to have a rib removed, and some of her more major surgeries have been postponed. Madison wa originally diagnosed never to walk, and was not thought to live very long. However, today, Madison is a walking miracle.
For a little girl of 9, you must wonder what thoughts are running through her head. I asked her what she thought about before her surgeries. She got very quiet and thoughtful for a few seconds, and then wrote down one word. "Prays". Now, seeing a response like this when you are talking witha 2 year old tugs at your heart. I spoke further with her mother, Ronda, about the subject. She told me a story about the other day which brought tears to my eyes.
"Madison came downstairs the other day with all her money. Everything. Her birthday money, her piggy bank, and set it on the table. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I k now my next surgery is really big, and if I don't make it, I want you to have my money." I had to leave the room. that makes you wonder what's running through her head."
This story coming from her mother was very touching. Madison is Rhonda's miracle, her strength, and her inspiration. Rhonda would do anything for her little girl. So hearing the thoughts of Madison, whom rather tah being frightened about her surgery, was being slefless, and thinking about her mommy, myst show the incredible parenting she has done, and the incredible bond between the two.
Rhonda Foote is a mother, a friend, and a dance teacher. Therefore, Rhonda's FooteWroks Dance studio, at the YMCA, is where you will most likely find Madison during the week. She takes numerous dance lessons of her own, including tap, jazz, ballet, and hip-hop. She also takes numerous classes that are not her own, like our senior tap class, and other various classes that she is in the studio for and wants to participate in. I mean, just the other day, she was doing across the floors with our senior tap class! Now, I know for a fact, those exercises we do are not the most easy things in the world. Instead of being last in line and shy that she could not do as much as we could, Madi was first in line, laughing, and doing everything as full out as she could. Madison never takes anything for granted. Each time she dances, she dances full out, smiling, as if it were a performance. When I asked her why she liked dance, she replied, "It's good exercise."
She is true in her statements. Dance is very good exercise. However, for Madison, it is a miracle she can dance. For the future, Madison aspires to be an art teacher when she grows up. With the help of hte Titanium Rib project, and the loving support of her family and friends, her future is looking bright. She should be able to grow up and fulfill her dreams and her love for art. Madison will forever dance in our hearts and shine like the brilliant star that she is.
Thanks for highlighting my essay Rhonda! Hope you're feeling better. See ya around the studio!
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