Back from Pitt...sigh

Home again....
The trip to Pitt was not all we had hoped. Found out that Madi's infection is still "present". Postponed any further surgery until July. Meaning, of course, no growth til then.
In the big pic, not so important....but, still, think how YOU'd like to explain to your very bright eight year old that they won't just be "tiny"...they'll be "tiny" forever.
Noticed when looking at her x-ray that a hook seemed high up...very. Asked Dr. Deeney and he said "yes", it certainly shouldn't be there.
Seems that the hook, left unhooked since removing the titanium rib, has "floated". Straight up to lodge in her shoulder blade and is nestled in her muscle tissue in her arm pit. Explains that arm pit pain and cramping in her side.
Nothing can be done about it til surgery. Doc says just "understand her pain". Irony there, I am thinking.
No gym in school for the remainder of the year. Madi may be the only child on earth that would cry over that. Says it is another way she is "different". Only can participate in "controlled" atmospheres. Have YOU ever seen an atmosphere that is full of children and "controlled"? I haven't.
Good news: Madi can swim in chlorinated water and take a bath. Being a girlie-girl, the last was very important. The first was sweet, too, since Gramps spoiled her on the way home and found a hotel with a pool so she could SWIM until she pruned and wrinkled (see pic)! Once home, she indulged in a LONG bath. Made her quite happy.
All in all, making her happy makes me happy!
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