The Eyes

Yesterday, we traveled to Syracuse for Madi's bi-annual eye specialist appointment. One of the "perks" of her syndrome is that she has REALLY awful vision, severe cataracts, and headaches. She has been seeing the specialist, Dr. Noel, since first grade.
We REALLY like Dr. Noel. One of the things I can tell you is that it is IMPORTANT to find doctors you LIKE. People who are compassionate and willing to take the time to see your child as someone special... we have been lucky to find so many of these doctors along the way, and Dr. Noel is a favorite!
He did not have great news. Madi's vision has reached the 20/40 mark where we need to consider getting the cataract surgery. Madi did not take the news well. Dr. Noel saw her tears and said, "six more months...we will wait six more months". He knows how much she has been through and understands that ANY surgery, no matter "how small" is a huge ordeal for her. I called him a "softie" and he did not deny it!
Madi is struggling with a low grade fever, cough, and general feeling of crappiness. Kept her home from school to see if we can catch it before it becomes bronchitis or pneumonia. For Madi, it is "that time of year" when illness strikes.
Another day in the books, folks!
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