Friday, February 01, 2008

Madi's Gramps...

My Dad, Madi's Grampa, found out today that he will undergo a triple bypass on Monday or Tuesday at St. Joe's in Syracuse, NY.
Anyone who knows Madi knows Gramps...cuz he goes on EVERY trip to Pitt. and is her guardian, we need angels and prayers for him.
When Madi was first diagnosed, it was my Mom (her Nana) who took the first steps get Madi and I on our way for hospital and surgery...she was my rock. We lost her to brain cancer in 2001.
Since then, Madi and Grampa are inseparable. This is so very hard on her... we expect that the surgery will make him feel worlds better, but this is one more fear and one more thing for Miss Madi to handle.
I will keep you posted as his condition IMPROVES... prayers are asked for and welcomed.
God Bless...Rhonda


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Popa.. your her stone.. so get better.. don't make me come up there.. your strong.. huggs and kisses.. Emma


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